Review of Why It Just Didn’t Cut It is just a study in disappointment. From the moment that we logged onto this site, we knew that it wasn’t going to be a good experience, but for the sake of science (or in this case, the sake of headaches), we pressed forward in order to find out exactly how bad this site was.
It’s just poorly made.
Whoever designed this site must have been half-asleep through the process, or otherwise, possibly sloshed. is mostly text based, and while that can improve loading times, it mostly just makes this site clunky and hard to process.

This site gave us nothing. Don’t waste your time and look at our list of classified ads sites where you’ll get everything you’re looking for and more.
There needs to be pictures somewhere. Unfortunately, this sort of thing really did hinder our ClassifiedX UK review, and it made us really dread having to come back to this site every day to check our messages. It was a waste of our time in general, and really made us realize how annoying most sites would be minus the right pics.
Our Analysis of
We spent 90 days on our ClassifiedX UK review, and that was all to send out 180 e-mails to ladies that we met on this site. These e-mails were all specifically sent in order to get them to respond to us, and didn’t resemble spam at all.
It’s not like any of that mattered, because we ultimately only received 17 e-mails in return. This was incredibly disappointing, especially when we sat down and tried to figure out which of these e-mails weren’t spam. Review: Is Worth Your Time?
This is the kind of site that no one wants to logon to use because it’s simply boring and ugly. On top of that, you don’t have to look far for any sort of ClassifiedX scam. This is the kind of site that’s a breeding ground for all sorts of ClassifiedX scams, and that’s because it’s free and ultimately, rather easy to join.
While wading through scams, we also realized that it’s very hard to report any of them, and that means that most of the administrators just don’t care. That makes for a very disappointing experience overall, and it isn’t one that we really want to end up repeating.
Is a Scam? Looks Likely
If we’ve ever seen a site that didn’t deserve a second glance, it’s this one. The main problem with ClassifiedX is that no one wants to use it, so no one will. That’s why it’s nigh impossible to actually find ladies on this site, and that means that you’re just not going to get the kinds of dates that you want. It’s unfortunate, but that’s how this site is, and so we really can’t recommend it to anyone at all. Pass this one, and move on to something else.
If you’re going to try out another site, we highly recommend Xpress . It’s our number one for a reason, and that’s because we’ve always been able to get the dates that we want on it. We’ve never had any issues with Xpress and scams, either, and that’s because of the great administration. Overall, Xpress is the kind of site that we want to recommend to everyone starting out with online classifieds dating, and for good reason: it actually works, and works very, very well. in the News
Having the right online dating tips can really change your experience if you aren’t using
Knowing when to use online dating can be a huge asset so long as you aren’t spending time on ClassifiedX:
This site claims that everything is free, but that’s a total lie. All the women on just want you to join other sites that cost money.
I’m never trusting sites like this again! They said that everything was free, then I ended up getting scammed out of so much of my money!
I’m sorry, but there’s no way this site is legit. I’ve been on here for a few months and I’m about to give up on it. What a bust.
I won’t say that is a scam, but it doesn’t look too legit. I think I’m going to join anyway, but I’m not expecting much.
If I had to give this site a rating, it would be a negative two. I can’t figure out how to navigate it, let alone find a girlfriend.
I wouldn’t recommend giving a test run. I tried it out for a week and got three viruses on my computer. Don’t risk it!
I don’t normally think these sorts of sites are good, but this one really takes the cake. I can’t believe people even join this piece of crap!
I read a review from 2013 that said I would love this website and see results in no time?it’s been a month, where is my sexy hookup?
I’m no good at online dating, but I hope I’m good at hooking up on the internet. seems like a good choice, so we’ll see.
There’s no comparison I can think of describe how bad this site was. None of the profiles on here are legit, and if they are they’re incomplete.
I don’t know what kind of review to give, but it isn’t a good one. I feel so bad for anyone who seriously wants to get laid on here.
Don’t ever buy into sites like this unless you want viruses and all other sorts of trouble. I lost my identity from a site like this once.
I’m pretty sure that this site is not legit. All the “women” I’ve talked to since joining have been way too interested in getting my personal info.
My friends warned me that might be a scam, but I’m just so depserate to get laid that I think I’m going to try it anyway.
There isn’t a rating low enough to express how bad this site is. I couldn’t stay on here for over an hour without wanting to barf.
I gave a test run a few months back, and man was I disappointed. I just wanted a girlfriend, not a bunch of spam!
Good riddance to this horrible website. I never want to see this web address again! I’m never going to recommend this to anyone, not ever.
One review from 2013 that I saw assured me that I would get laid in no time using this site. Uh, it’s been a year and I haven’t gotten a thing.
I refuse to try dating online, but I do want to get laid. I’m joining in the hopes that I’ll meet the perfect girl really fast.
In comparison to every other dating site I’ve been on, this one is just pathetic. It’s so fake it isn’t even funny, and I’m giving up.
No review I could leave would be good enough, so I’m just going to leave this here. was such a bad experience, I’m so disappointed.
I don’t trust sites like this at the best of times, and this one is definitely a scam. If you join, prepare for viruses and a lot of agony.