Writing That First E-mail
Even more than writing their profile, we’ve seen men falter when it comes to writing their first emails on a classified site. We’re not sure why men end up faltering when it comes to this sort of thing; it’s unnecessary, because e-mails are really not that difficult at the end of the day.

We’ve been there, though.
We know it can be somewhat intimidating when you know that the first e-mail that you send is going to make or break the deal. That first classified ads e-mail is going to make a woman interested in you, or make her run screaming away before you can even get started.
Even so, you just have to take a deep breath and do it. The worst that is going to happen is that she isn’t interested, or that she never even responds. The latter will happen more often than not, and that’s okay. Once you’ve gotten the hang of it, it’s going to happen a lot less as time goes on.
Be honest and upfront.
Depending on what you want out of your dating experience, it’s going to really set the tone of your e-mail. Either way, you need to be honest with her about what it is you want out of the relationship.
If you simply want a casual dating experience, you need to tell her that in your first classified ads dating e-mail to her. Tell her that you can’t handle really being in a serious relationship at the moment, but you definitely would love to be with her on the weekends if she’s interested.
Being honest like this is something that she’s going to appreciate. If you set the tone right from the get-go, she’s going to be much more open to doing the exact same thing with you, and be much more likely to respond.
Don’t be too pushy from the start.
A lot of men think that being blunt and honest means that you need to go out of your way to talk about all the sex you’re going to have with her right at the start, or all the things that you’d like to do with her that are incredibly romantic.
This isn’t the case at all, however. Think about how you would approach a woman in real life. Would you go out of your way to tell her that you want to do her in a million different ways, or that you’re really into candlelight and rose petals when you make love? Probably not, and that’s why you should avoid doing that in e-mails.
Just because it’s an e-mail doesn’t mean that you don’t need to be polite and respectful of her, either. There are some things you should never mention in the first e-mail, and that’s where a lot of men end up failing.
There are certain things to compliment.
Don’t focus on her boobs or her butt. Don’t tell her that she looks great when she dresses like a slag. It doesn’t matter if it’s true or not; she’s not going to want to hear it, and it’s not going to get her any closer to being in bed with you at the end of the day.
Rather than compliment anything sexually about her, you should focus on her eyes, smile, or hair. Those are three things that you can compliment about her appearance and have her pretty happy about.
The main thing you should compliment her on, however, has everything to do with her interests or other things that she has listed on her profile. By talking about that, she’s going to realize that you actually took the time to read about her, and that’s going to make her that much more interested in you.
No matter what, it’s going to be awkward at first.
Unless you’ve met your soulmate, it’s always going to be awkward to send that first e-mail out. Compliment her politely, talk about parts of her profile and how it relates to you and why you’re interested in her, and then sit back and wait.
It might be nervewracking at first, but after awhile, you’ll get used to sending these kinds of e-mails. Once you start getting responses, you’ll be able to judge what kinds of e-mails work and which ones don’t. It’s a process for everyone, and not every person approaches these situations in the exact same manner.
If you don’t get a lot of responses, don’t panic.
Try changing up your e-mails, or honestly, it might just be the site. That’s why we highly recommend you check out site reviews before you dive into an unknown site, because the site you are using might just be utter garbage.
Whatever the case, it will still take trial and error. It’s up to you to be patient and to try and find out what works for you and what simply doesn’t. It’s a process that we’ve honed as well, and while we have a lot of tips to offer you, it’s up to you to put those into practice and really reap the best of the results.
No matter what, we wish you good luck. The whole process of dating classifies can be stressful, but it’s definitely a lot of fun, too.