Making the Most of Your British Classified Personal Ad Profile
This is the part that many men seem to balk at, which is about as far from necessary as anything. While we’ve been around the block when it comes to making the best out of classified sites, we’ve never been shy about what we put on our profiles, and that’s why you shouldn’t be, either.

Be honest, and have fun.
There are a lot of men out there that honestly just think that they need to play up certain parts of their life, and lie about the rest of it. While that might be the case for some sites, for most British classified personal ad profiles, that really doesn’t need to be something that you do.
These women want to know about you. That’s why they clicked on your profile, and that’s why they’re still reading (hopefully). You want to catch them and reel them in, and that’s why talking about yourself and your interests is important. You want to find someone that can relate to you and want to spend time with you.
Be careful with slang.
It doesn’t matter if you’re an American transplant, but if you are, go easy on the British slang. It can come off as forced if you’re writing a classified sex ad profile for Britains, and the last thing you want to do is come off as fake and obnoxious to the ladies you’re trying to hookup with.
At the end of the day, we really just suggest that you stick to your Americanisms and go with it. A lot of British women want to hookup with American men, anyway, so keep that in mind and just write what feels the most comfortable for you.
Write your profile on the right site.
If you’re out there looking for love, then don’t expect to find it when you’re writing an adult classified profile. It’s just not going to work, because all the profiles on that site are going to be geared towards women wanting to go out and shag the night away.
It goes both ways, of course. If you’re looking for a quick shag or just a casual relationship, you don’t need to use a site that’s geared towards the long-term soulmate meetings. It’s just not going to work, and it’s going to make you feel frustrated when nothing seems to end up going your way.
Talk about yourself, but keep it short and to the point.
This especially applies on adult classified sites. The ladies on here don’t want to know about the long walks on the beach that you enjoy; they want to know briefly about you, and more about your kinks and interests in the bedroom. That’s what they came here for, after all.
On any other dating site, you shouldn’t go off on any rambling tirades. That’s just going to put ladies off, and it’s going to make them much less likely to send you e-mails or answer any of your own. Talk briefly about your life, your job, and maybe your pets. You can talk about some of your interests as well, especially if you think they’ll find them interesting in turn.
Appeal to her.
This might be easier said than done for a lot of men, but many women out there want to be with a man that’s in desperate need of a woman. They want to feel wanted and appreciated just as much as you don’t wan to be alone.
There are a lot of ways to appeal to this side of the ladies. This nurturing side of them can easily be brought out if you’ve just had a bad break up–or hell, if you just say that you’ve had one–and that you really miss having a woman to spend time with.
The best part about using this tactic is that you don’t have to go into detail about it. You just have to say that you really miss being around a woman, and would love to have one to spend time with. This can attract a lot of different ladies, and really open up dating doors that you never thought you’d be able to.
Make yourself sound like a catch.
While it’s important that you keep your profile short and to the point, you need to go out of your way to make yourself appealing. That’s what is going to ultimately sell your profile to these ladies and make them want to message you, or respond to any messages that you send them.
Play up the good parts of your personality, but not obnoxiously so. These women are going to be interested in you and what you like, but not in the fact that you have an ego the size of a house.
For example, if you play sports, talk about that, but don’t talk about the twenty million trophies you have sitting around because of it. These women aren’t going to want to hookup with an egomaniac that talks about nothing but the tennis he plays.
That’s something, among many other things, to remember when you’re on the lookout to attract women on dating classified sites.