Attract MILFs by Flattering Them While They’re with Their Children

“Be cool with her kids”
It is no secret that women love being flattered. When they take the time to look good by wearing sexy outfits, getting their hair done, and wearing makeup and perfume, they expect compliments. However, sometimes women don’t have time for things like that, especially when they are mothers of young children. Women with young children barely have time to brush their teeth, so chances are when you see them, they aren’t going to look like they just stepped out of the salon. Many of them are going to look worn out and a bit rough around the edges, and this is the most perfect time to compliment them.
Butter Her Up

“Tell her that she has an amazing body”
When a woman isn’t looking her best, she doesn’t expect any compliments. You could probably go to any woman you know and ask her if she thinks someone will compliment her when she’s wearing sweatpants and a hoodie and her answer will more than likely be no. When you compliment a woman who is dressed down and is doing her best to wrangle small children, she will be so flattered that she may not even believe you.
When you do flatter a woman with young children, you want to make sure you’re being polite and respectful. Don’t say anything raunchy to her, especially when her kids are nearby. One compliment that has worked with some men is by asking her how she does it. She will think you’re talking about how she handles being a mom, but instead you should correct her and ask her how she manages to look so gorgeous even while she’s wearing sweatpants. Again, she will think you’re just trying to butter her up, which you are.
A Shy Charmer
Another thing you can do when you spot a woman with children is to make sure you have a pen and something to write on. It works best if it’s a scrap piece of paper like the back of a receipt or a store coupon. Make sure the paper is large enough for you to explain how beautiful you think she is and how you didn’t want to offend her by approaching her while her children are with her. Write down you name, number, and email address and state that you’re aware that her calling you back is wishful thing, but that you had to try. Don’t be surprised if she calls you back. Most women seem to think that if you think she’s hot without her makeup on, you’re going to think she’s drop dead gorgeous when she’s all dolled up.
No matter how you decide to flatter a woman with children, the point is that you flatter her when she isn’t looking her best. Make her feel gorgeous even when she looks like she hasn’t gotten the chance to shower or comb her hair. When you do that, you’ll already be two steps ahead of other guys who only compliment a woman when she looks like she’s dressed for a night on the town.