How to Make Sure Your Profile Pic Says the Right Thing about You
When you are trying to meet someone online, you have to first set up a profile on one of the dating sites. This is the hardest part about meeting someone because you want to present yourself the right way to the girls you are interested in. Among the most important things on your profile is your profile pic. It’s the first thing girls will see when they land on your profile. If your profile pic is not saying the right things about you, you will have a nearly impossible time of meeting the kinds of girls you are interested in. To make sure you have a great profile picture, make sure you’re not in the bathroom, you’re using a camera rather than your phone and you’re presentable in your picture. This is more important than you know and will help you to meet way more women.
Ditch the Bathroom Selfie

“Do not put bathroom clicked selfie as your profile picture”
If you look at the majority of profile pics on the dating sites, they are all pictures of guys taking pictures in toothpaste stained mirrors with a toilet in the background. Put yourself in a woman’s shoes and imagine whether she wants to meet a guy standing in a bathroom. She doesn’t! So, take your picture in the living room, in front of a sports arena or the ocean. As long as you are picking a better venue for the backdrop than the bathroom, you’ll have the kind of profile pic that’ll actually get you the attention you deserve.
Use a Camera Rather than a Cell Phone

“Pictures clicked with a real camera have more clarity”
Even if you have a great cell phone, every other picture on the dating websites is of a guy holding out the cell phone to take a picture. If you use a camera, you can always set a timer if you don’t want to ask a friend to take your picture for you. Additionally, the quality on a camera will always be better than it is on a cell phone. While you may not think the quality of the picture is so important, you will soon realize just how much you can stand out from the rest of the guys if you don’t look grainy or in bad lighting.
Make Yourself Presentable in Your Picture
Now that you have the right backdrop and you have a suitable camera, it is time to turn your attention to what you are wearing in the picture. Yes, you should be wearing clothes. Even if you’re proud of your guns and your ripped abs, save it for when you see her in person. She will appreciate that a lot more. Instead, wear the kind of clothes you might normally wear in real life. This isn’t the time to try and impress her by borrowing some friend’s nice clothes. If you don’t normally wear it, it should not be in a picture to represent who you are to women. If you follow this advice, you will be ready to have the kind of profile pic which gets you the kind of attention you really want.