Keep It In Your Pants: Why You Should Never Start Off with Sex Comments
When you are going onto a dating site, even one focused on hookups, it is never a good idea to start a conversation off with how much you want to hook up with someone. While this may seem like a great pickup line in your head, you are a guy and guys think differently than girls do. If a girl walks up to a guy and asks to have sex, the chances he will say no are slim to none. This is a very different story from what will happen if a guy walks up to a woman and says the same thing. A little tact will go a long way. Make sure you are setting yourself up for success by approaching her with some charm, introducing yourself and turning the conversation to her. This makes sure you are more likely to have the kind of results you are looking for.
Approach Her with Some Charm
Every guy on the site is going to try some simple one-liner they’ve used on every single woman on the site. Trust that she’s seen just about every angle you can take on a general come-on. Present yourself in a different light by having something worth saying to her. If you do not have anything to say to her right off the bat, hang back and wait until you do. You will find something worth saying to her if you take your time and look at her profile long enough. The more charming and personable you can be, the more incentive you’ll give her to respond to your advances.
Introduce Yourself
Once you have a response from her, tell her a little about yourself. She gets questions all day asking her what she’s up to and what she likes to do for fun. Tell her something not in your profile which connects with something on her profile or which you think may present you in a good light. Be careful on this point as your goal is to garner interest in who you are, not to sound egocentric about how awesome you are. Play up your strong suits and be humble when talking about yourself. If you seem like you are too into yourself, she will simply move on.
Turn the Conversation to Her
Now that she knows a little about you, it is time to talk about her. Make sure you are making some observations about her rather than asking a ton of questions. Make conversation about the things she is into or she is talking about. If you just pepper her with one question after another, she’ll lose interest and turn to someone not trying to treat her as an interviewee. The goal is to have a conversation with her. One she wants to actually be a part of and you’ll discover just how much easier it is to get her to do what you want to do. You may even score a date with her if you are having the right conversation.